Good news! The professor of my beginning photo class, Kyle Ford, posted the most successful images from our project on light in his blog, and mine made the cut! Check it out.
On my way home just now (around 5:45), the moon appeared unbelievably big and bright. Last night I noticed it peeking through the trees next to my house, but didn't realize its sheer size until just a few moments ago. It's really something, so if you can, take a minute in the early evening over the next few days to look up and see it!
And on a different note...
I attended a lecture this past Thursday by art historian Patricia Simons as part of Skidmore College's annual Solomon residency. I must admit that I was as fascinated with Simons' lovely Australian accent as I was with her rather stimulating subject matter (pun intended). Was so thrilled when she said the word "witticism" in that drawl! And I thought, what an awesome and underused word. Ever since that lecture, I've been keenly listening for other really marvelous words...ones that just sound good. So far, I've got:
- entendre (P. Simons, 10/29, during a lecture)
- whittling (out of a book, 11/03)
And, feel free to continue the list...
(ahem, Julia?)
(ahem, Julia?)
Haley I absolutely love this photo... it captures your essence!! GREAT WORK!
-Laura B
Oooooh words. Words that sound good. Here goes:
this is so cool
check out my blog
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